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Page 1: The children are all standing close together. "So someone's going to die soon, and we won't know who it is," One says. "Come on, One, I know this situation is dire, but we can always try to look at it a bit better," Four says with a nervous expression. "Like how?" One asks, tears welling up in his eyes.

Page 2: Four stands in between One and Five. "Well, instead of it being like our lives are being taken away unfairly, one out of the five of us is going to get a second chance at life. Because if we didn't do this, then there'd be a zero percent chance you'd be alive. And twenty percent is better than zero percent," she says. "I guess that's a good way of looking at it," Five says, looking at the floor.

Page 3: "And instead of being all tense about it, maybe we should enjoy our time together. We know most of us are going to die, so why not go out stress free?" Five continues to say, clasping one of his hands with Four's own. "I guess Four and Five are right," Three says, appearing a bit wary.

Page 4: One begins to speak, "yeah, and no hard feelings to whoever survives, right? We have to make like, a pact to not haunt each other." One is visibly sweating, but he is still trying to smile. Three laughs before clutching his head in pain, shutting one eye as the pupil of the other shrinks.

Page 5: Four approaches Three. "Three, are you okay?" she asks, reaching out a hand. With his hands still clutching his head and his face directed towards the floor, Three suddenly opens his eyes. They're completely blue with no pupil in sight, and his expression is unreadable.

Page 6: Three stares Four down, with Four's silhouette reflecting in one of Three's eyes. The scene cuts before Four is seen reaching for her own face, her cheek injured and blood running down her cheek and nose.

Page 7: "What's going on?" One asks in a frenzy, throwing his hands up. Three stares at One with his pupils beginning to show before his eyes go blank again upon staring back down at Four, who remains on the ground and visibly anxious. Five, standing behind the two, yells out "Stop it! Three!"

Page 8: "What's gotten into you?" Five continues to yell out, clutching his own head and closing his eyes in frustration. Three approaches One and grabs his shoulders, staring at One with pinprick eyes, before collapsing on top of One without a word.

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