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Page 1: One, Four, and Five are all standing around Three, who is pressed up against the wall with his knees to his chest. He is resting his hands atop his legs. "I... I don't know..." he begins to say. He is seen in some bright blue environment with a solemn expression while a black mass rests upon him, looking almost like a copy of him, though made unfamiliar by the way it seeps into him. The black mass contains the phrase "To survive is to destroy, to rule is to corrupt." Three continues speaking, "I was fine and then suddenly it felt like there was someone telling me things, and everything looked different."

Page 2: Four is seen as a silhouette, appearing in a bright orange void. "Like Four wasn't even a person..." Three says. The environment goes back to normal, and Five approaches Three, concerned. "It's okay, it was probably the drug, it's not your fault. Four is still alive, so everything is okay."

Page 3: "Is that what it's going to do to us?" One asks, tears forming in his eyes. "No wonder why doctor Rose isn't going to let any extra survivors out... we're all gonna become monsters," Four says with a beaten down expression. Five leaps on Four and grabs her. "There has to be a way out of this! Does anyone here have any abilities they know about?" Five says.

Page 4: "I... I can bend metal," Three says. "And I can see through walls," One adds on. "Four, can you do anything?" Five asks, placing a hand on her chest and looking at her with worry. "Not that I know of, sorry..." she replies.

Page 5: Five looks at Three, who has gone back to looking dejected on the floor. "It's alright, I can't do anything either. But what One and Three have seem useful enough," Five says. "For what?" One asks. "An escape plan," Five says with a wink.

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