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Page 1: Three looks up, tired. "Why?" he asks warily. "At our current stage, it'd be too messy to have two surviving candidates," Doctor Rose says.

Page 2: "You'll both be heavily affected by the drug by that point, and we can only bring one subject for each version of the drug into our next stage. You don't understand how dangerous it would be to release an affected candidate back into the real world," Doctor Rose continues to say. "So are we just going to be vessels?" Four asks.

Page 3: "Not in a true way. You’ll still be yourself, at the end of the day. You’ll just believe in new things, and your behavior will reflect that," Rose says. "That’s still not good! You’re taking away our freedom, and we never consented to this!" Four says, desperation on her face. Rose begins to look grim, his consistent smile dropping. "Your consent is your life. The only reason you’re alive right now is for this research. So if you so desperately don’t want to participate, then let me know, and I’ll euthanize you," he says.

Page 4: Four is stunned into silent shock. Doctor ROse puts on a smile again. "So, shall we continue?" he asks. The kids all look at him with fear, not responding.

Page 5: "Then I'll get the second dose for you all," Rose says. Five falls to the ground as he begins to leave. "Stop!" Five yells out. Rose turns around. "Hmm?" He asks.

"Can you at least tell us what this stuff is gonna make us believe?" Five asks with distraught features. "No," Rose says, sticking out his tongue.

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