
It's finally out! We'll be working to create a consistent art schedule now, so that this can be released as consistently and as quickly as possible. As you can tell by the first update, we'll be adding transcriptions to every update to make the webcomic more accessible to the visually impaired. The transcription can also help people who may have a hard time following what is happening. Since we're not super experienced writing transcriptions, let us know through our contact methods if there is anything we can do better with them!

Also, happy disability pride month! Remember that your voice matters and you're valuable on this planet regardless of what you deal with or how "productive" you are. Your pain shouldn't be dismissed and your personal successes shouldn't be downplayed.

Stay smelly!


All the links are finally going to work, and this site is on track to being updated (as much as it can be!)

Due to a wisdom teeth surgery, excess medical problems, and personal life getting in the way, less art has been made this month than what we're happy with. However, it's enough to start getting updated on the planned release date. The frequency of these updates is uncertain for now, and they may be seemingly random for awhile as we adjust to making large amounts of art on the regular. After we get a schedule in place, it will be announced.

Likely after a month of uploading, a Webtoon page for this comic is planned to be created. There may also be some other websites we will upload the comic to. However, this will be the primary source for the comic, and as such, other avenues will likely be behind schedule to varying extents. As well as that, depending on the service, censorship may occur. This is especially true for Webtoon and any other heavily moderated platforms. We don't even know if we can manage to keep the comic up during its entire run. Basically, to read IOI in its truest form and as up-to-date as possible, this website is the best method.

We're hoping such a decision will not be too much of an inconvenience.

Stay smelly!